On May 30, 2024, from 9.00-10.00 am our 3rd Network of Interest meeting focusing on “Sustainable Forestry and Certification” took place online and was a blast!

During the NoI meeting, our NoI members had the opportunity to get updated about the SUSTCERT4BIOBASED’s progress and learn more about the Forest Stewardship Council – FSC certification scheme by the FSC experts Matteo Francesco Mascolo and Terry Campbell.

You can find uploaded here the recorded talk and presentation about FSC and its connection to sustainable forestry. Our NoI meetings elaborate on diverse thematic areas which focus on the sustainability and certification sector and offer the opportunity to:

  • Connect with Like-minded Individuals and Organizations
  • Engage in Bi-Annual Online Meetings:
  • Attend Exclusive Events and Workshops:
  • Stay Informed with Project Updates:

-> Our next Network of Interest meeting will take place in December 2024 and will feature talks on upcoming SUSTCERT4BIOBASED developments.

Subscribe now to our Network of Interest, get multiple networking and knowledge transfer opportunities among stakeholders who are experts in the area of sustainability certification and receive the project’s updates and upcoming activities. Subscribe and become part of the ongoing conversation that shapes the future of sustainability certification!





