To accomplish its objectives, the SUSTCERT4BIOBASED project is organized into seven distinct work packages:
This Work Package (WP) aims to classify biological resources and biobased products while identifying, reviewing, and analyzing existing international and EU sustainability certification schemes and labels.
- Classification of biological resources and biobased products
- Setting up a methodology for reviewing schemes and labels
- Identifying and reviewing existing sustainability certification schemes and labels relevant to biobased value chains
- Analysis of synergies and trade-offs
Responsible Work package leader: CIRCE
WP2 is dedicated to mapping and evaluating the most representative biobased value chains while collecting data on global trade flows for both certified and uncertified biobased value chains.
- Identifying most representative biobased value chains
- Data collection and filling gaps on global trade flows for (un)certified biobased value chains
- Analyzing effects of certification on trade of biobased value chains
Responsible Work package leader: WR
WP3 aims to establish and refine a monitoring framework, along with relevant indicators, to systematically evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of sustainability schemes and labels. Through rigorous testing and analysis using the developed monitoring system, we aim to identify a selection of certification schemes and labels that can be considered “best-in-class”.
- Review of available monitoring approaches and indicators
- Developing a new monitoring system
- Testing the developed monitoring system and indicators on reviewed schemes and labels
- Carrying out pilot audit for testing the monitoring system requirements
- Implementing feedback and optimizing the monitoring system and indicators
Responsible Work package leader: WR
WP4 is dedicated to evaluating the costs and benefits of schemes and labels within three selected industrial biobased value chains for in-depth analysis. To achieve this, WP4 initiates the creation of an inventory of available methods, adapting them to suit the project’s specific requirements for quantifying economic, environmental, and social costs and benefits.
- Making inventory of relevant methodologies to assess cost and benefits, internalise externalities
- Selection of biobased value chains
- Developing data collection template
- Collection of data for the selected biobased value chains
- CBA for selected biobased value chains and Feasibility assessment
Responsible Work package leader: CU
WP5 is dedicated to analyzing the results and insights generated in the previous Work Packages (WPs) and utilizing them to derive best practices and recommendations for the adoption of effective and robust sustainability schemes and labels.
- Recommendations to policy makers
- Recommendations to standards writers, scheme owners and certification bodies
- Recommendations to industrial biobased value chain actors
- Recommendations to regional bioeconomy actors
Responsible Work package leader: ECOS
The activities within WP6 aim to communicate and disseminate SUSTCERT4BIOBASED results to the primary target groups. Additionally, it involves facilitating interactions with relevant stakeholders through the creation of the Network of Interest. Furthermore, WP6 focuses on establishing synergies and maximizing the exploitation and sustainability of the project’s outcomes
Responsible Work package leader: WHITE
This WP will ensure the effective management and coordination of the consortium and will ensure the high quality and on-time delivery of the project’s results.
Responsible Work package leader: WR