Brussels, June 15, 2023 – The 1st bi-annual SUSTCERT4BIOBASED Network of Interest meeting took place online on the 12th of June, 2023 and was a success. With 25 participants the meeting included insights on the project’s development, the sustainability certification sector, the Green Claim Regulation and the Role of Voluntary Certification Schemes and an open Q&A session.

Iris Vural Gursel, SUSTCERT4BIOBASED coordinator revealed the aim and approach of SUSTCERT4BIOBASED and Annie Kalimeri, SUSTCERT4BIOBASED’s dissemination manager provided a short update on the project and its current developments.

Our invited speaker Jenny Walther-Thoss delivered a very insightful talk on the role of the new Directive of the European Parliament regarding the role and future of already existing Voluntary Certification Schemes which triggered multiple discussions and questions from the audience. Find out more about this interesting topic on Jenny’s talk uploaded on our YouTube channel here.

Subscribe now to our Network of Interest, get multiple networking and knowledge transfer opportunities among stakeholders who are experts in the area of sustainability certification and receive the project’s updates and upcoming activities.





