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In this webinar, RSB with Horizon Europe will share insights and expertise to advance the sustainability of feedstocks  and bring many different groups together.

This involves various strategies, such as using our landscape-level program to map the availability of feedstock in the CARINA project,  and working together to establish trust and reliability in sustainability labelling through the STAR4BBS project.  Collaboration plays a pivotal role in all these partnership initiatives.

In the webinar, you can learn more about the following projects from experts:

  1. RSB’s Collaborative Projects – Blanca de Ulibarri (RSB’s EU LCA Project Manager)

Blanca de Ulibarri, an expert at RSB, will talk about the projects that RSB is part of. These projects are changing the way we think about sustainability and bringing different groups together to make our world greener.

  1. STAR4BBS Project – Luana Ladu (TUB Associate Researcher, STAR4BBS Coordinator)

Luana Ladu, from Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), will explain the STAR4BBS project. This project works for making sustainability labels more trustworthy and helpful for everyone. It’s setting new standards for how we do things in a greener way.

  1. CARINA Project – Dan Lieberman (Nuseed’s Global Sustainability Strategy & Engagement Lead)

Dan Lieberman, who works at Nuseed, will talk about the CARINA project. This project focuses on new, sustainable and diversified farming systems that are able to provide low Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) feedstocks for the bio-based economy.

Register for the webinar through this link and stay in the loop for the most recent advancements in the biobased sector.